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401(k) Plans

A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan sponsored by the employer.  This plan has the ability to allow you to defer taxes by making contributions from your paycheck pre-tax to grow tax-deferred or after-tax to grow tax-free, if the Roth option is part of your plan.  Ask us which option is best for you.  We will help you to create an asset allocation that best suits your needs. 

We are 401(k) Fiduciaries Who

  • Are 3(21) Investment advisors
  • Are 3(38) Investment managers
  • Receive no commission compensation
  • Receive no revenue-sharing with mutual funds
  • Provide objective advice for a level fee
  • Are knowledgeable about the DOL Fiduciary Rule

Our 401(k) Plan Clients Receive

  • Availability of low fee index funds
  • Best of breed active mutual funds
  • A choice of record-keepers
  • A choice of third party administrators
  • Full transparency regarding fees

We Help Company 401(k) Sponsors

  • Comply with the Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule
  • Check that 401(k) plan costs are reasonable
  • Monitor performance of all plan investment choices
  • Evaluate pros and cons of alternative 401(k) investment platforms
  • Conduct a fiduciary check-up to monitor compliance
  • Insulate plan trustees from liability as plan fiduciaries

See the 401(k) Resource Guide for details on 401(k) plans.

  • Are 3(21) Investment advisors
  • Are 3(38) Investment managers
  • Receive no commission compensation
  • Receive no revenue-sharing with mutual funds
  • Provide objective advice for a level fee
  • Are knowledgeable about the DOL Fiduciary Rule

Participate in a 401(k) Plan Contribution limits

  • Are 3(21) Investment advisors
  • Are 3(38) Investment managers
  • Receive no commission compensation
  • Receive no revenue-sharing with mutual funds
  • Provide objective advice for a level fee
  • Are knowledgeable about the DOL Fiduciary Rule

401(k) Plans for Small Businesses

  • Are 3(21) Investment advisors
  • Are 3(38) Investment managers
  • Receive no commission compensation
  • Receive no revenue-sharing with mutual funds
  • Provide objective advice for a level fee
  • Are knowledgeable about the DOL Fiduciary Rule

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